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New Voices - What Does Power Mean To You?

In our new publication ‘POWER’, we asked -18s around the world what Power meant to them.

Thank you to colleagues and partners in Brazil, France, Spain, Mexico, the UK, the US and Zimbabwe for collecting these quotes from under-18s.

Power means being able to do something, like walking or talking. With power I feel free to do things.
— Isabela, 9

Power is powerful, like a dinosaur! With power he gets angry.
— Bernardo, 3

Power means having control of something, like… a country, for example. With power, people do bad things, but I like it when people who have power do good things with the power they have.
— Eduardo, 10

Power to me is when someone is facing something, they make deci- sions and choices. But having power doesn’t always mean having pri- vilege. For example, having power in your hands and not knowing how to use it, that’s bad.
— Milena, 17

Power is something you can do and that nobody can prevent you 
from doing.
— Margot, 9

Power makes me think about having the strength to defeat your enemies. Power makes you strong. This is very important.
— Leonardo, 7

I would like to have the power of being listened to. And I guess, kind of, respected and valued because I’m the youngest [in my family] and I would like to be a more impactful individual. I want to have more of an impact.
— Taniya, 17

To me, power is when we can do things we always wanted to do, like shooting rays. I am a super- hero when I have this power; I think I can do anything with my power. I don’t like it if I hit so- meone. Then, I say, ‘Wow, I don’t like this power because I don’t know how to keep it.’
— Clara, 5

Power to me is doing everything I can and want to do, independent 
of what others think, they can be good or bad things, as long as I 
have control.
— Ligia, 14

Power has two meanings: it can be for superheroes, as well as power for congressmen. Power makes you stronger.
— Victor, 13

Power makes me think of when someone has authority over another person that doesn’t have power, and they can use that power to ‘control’ or even com- mand something.
— Felipe, 17

Power is having something you love. My dog, to me, is power because he is very cute and fury. He is my power.
— Helena, 7

Power is the strength to help others gain their rights.
— Ruvarashe, 13

This content originally featured in the magazine What Lies Beneath, which is free to download here: