This is who we are

We are young people (all 18 and under) from a variety of countries from around the world, representing the diversity of our societies. Our belief that we must take urgent action to protect our planet from climate breakdown has led each of us to speak out and take action on issues related to the environment and the climate crisis. We are advising CRIN on its work on children’s right to a safe, healthy and sustainable environment because, like CRIN, we believe that the climate crisis is a children’s rights issue. And also like CRIN we believe that children and young people must be involved in discussions and decisions being made about our planet and our rights. You can read about CRIN’s intention in developing this group here.

These are our principles

CRIN’s Climate Advisers have developed this Code which sets out the values and principles which guide how we will collaborate with CRIN and each other.

Respect nature and each other
We promote a deep respect for and connection with nature in all of our work.

Systemic change

We fight collectively against a system that has historically oppressed certain communities because of their origins, cultures, and ethnicities.

Reimagine our world

We advocate for the collective reimagining of a system that leads the path towards the achievement of freedom by all populations.

Value diversity
We respect the diversity we each bring to this group, including language, cultures, values, beliefs and experiences with the climate crisis.

Intersectionality and most affected people

We prioritise the voices of those who are marginalised and most impacted by the disproportionality of inequalities, in conversations relevant to our future. 

Collaborate, learn and grow
We work together to develop our thoughts and ideas in order to inform and strengthen our climate work.

Inclusion and collective action

We guide our activism with the inclusion and acceptance of the cultural diversity of other communities; and to work collectively on the solution-making process for those issues that distance us from each other. 

Ensure consent
We ask permission from each Adviser before sharing anything about the group publicly, including online, and we comply with requests for anonymity.

Respect ideas
We welcome, value and consider each other’s ideas and create a safe space for a free and open discussion.

Safeguard the process
CRIN will ensure this is a safe and empowering process for each Adviser and will uphold its safeguarding responsibilities.