What We Listen To — POWER edition

Extract from our new publication ‘Power.’

character with blue shirt and red trousers talking in a red and white megaphone

To produce the edition Power of the magazine, we read, listened to, discovered, and were inspired by the following materials.

‘Songhoy Blues’, (song) Bamako

‘Exactly Like You’ (song), Dizzy Gillespie & Stan Getz

‘Behaviour change’,  The Drawdown Agenda podcast

‘Finding your power’,The Guilty Feminist podcast, Episode 119

‘Change and Assumptions’, The Guilty Feminist podcast, Episode 128

‘Letter to the 1%’, (song) Lowkey

‘Soundtrack to the struggle 2’, (album) Lowkey

‘Prophecy’ (album), Nitin Sawhney

‘Fight the Power’, (song) Public Enemy

‘Utopia and Reality’,  Polarised podcast, Royal Society of the Arts

The About Race podcast, Reni Eddo-Lodge

From the author behind the bestselling Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race (http://renieddolodge.co.uk/books/) comes a podcast that takes the conversation a step further.Featuring key voices from the last few decades of anti-racist activism, About Race with Reni Eddo-Lodge looks at the recent history that lead to the politics of today.Join the conversation using the hashtag #AboutRacewithReni

This content originally featured in the magazine Power, which is free to download here: bit.ly/CRIN-Power