What We Read — POWER edition

Extract from our new publication ‘Power.’

black ink drawing of a person reading a large book sitting on a box of matches with two crossed matches on the left

To produce the edition “Power” of the magazine, we read, listened to, discovered, and were inspired by the following materials.

Women and Power, Mary Beard
Optimism over Despair, Noam Chomsky
Power Systems, Noam Chomsky
Be More Pirate, Sam Conniff Allende
Why I’m no longer talking to white people about race, Reni Eddo-Lodge
Winners Take All, Anand Giridharadas
The Power of the Powerless, Vaclav Havel
All About Love, Bell Hooks
The Wave in the Mind, Ursula Le Guin
Bruce Lee: Artist of Life, Bruce Lee
The Creative Coalitions Handbook, Nick Martlew
Power Corrupts,  New Philosopher
Ursula K. Le Guin on Power, Oppression, Freedom, and How Imaginative Storytelling, Expands Our Scope of the Possible BrainPickings, Maria Popova
On Tyranny, twenty lessons from the twentieth century,  Timothy Snyder
Wanderlust, A History of Walking, Rebecca Solnit
At the Same Time, Essays and Speeches, Susan Sontag
No one is too small to make a difference, Greta Thunberg
#newpower,  Henry Timms and Jeremy Heimans
The Body Keeps the Score; Mind, brain, and Body in the Transformation of Trauma, Bessel Van der Kolk
Who Do We Choose To Be, Margaret Wheatley

This content originally featured in the magazine Power, which is free to download here: bit.ly/CRIN-Power