What We Read — SILENCE edition

Extract from our new publication ‘Silence’.

black outine illustration of a man playing an invisible cello sitting on a chair

To produce the edition Silence of the magazine, we read, listened to, discovered, and were inspired by the following materials.

Silence in the Age of Noise, Erling Kagge
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, Susan Cain
The Mother of All Questions: Further Feminisms, Rebecca Solnit
Dibujos invisibles, Gervasio Troche
Instrumental, James Rhodes
Empty silences, T. S. Eliot
Nature, Ralph Waldo Emerson
#21: How Power Corrupts,The New Philosopher
Doubt Is Their Product: How Industry’s Assault on Science Threatens Your Health, David Michaels

This list originally featured in the magazine Silence, which is free to download here: http://home.crin.org/s/What-Lies-Beneath-Silence.pdf