Staff Recommend: 22 April - 29 April 2020


This week, CRIN staff recommend: Period talk during the pandemic, Earth School and Nawal El Saadawi on feminism, fiction and the illusion of democracy.

black ink drawing of a person reading a large book sitting on a box of matches with two crossed matches on the left


Webinar on COVID-19 & period poverty

Period Talk: What Do We Need To Consider During COVID-19
A virtual conversation about practical tips for MHM within the broader COVID-19 response organised by Columbia University & Dr Marni Sommer. 

Earth School
Joint initiative UNEP/TED-ed launched between Earth Day (22 April) and the World Environmental Day (5 June) for children to “embark on a month of daily adventures – or Quests – that will help [them] understand and celebrate our natural world, while learning about how dependent we are on our planet.

Watch the daily video and follow the challenges online.


Podcast with Nawal El Saadawi
Listen to Egyptian feminist Nawal El Saadawi speaking to journalist Krishnan Guru-Murthy about the historical aspects of FGM and male circumcision, the injustice of patriarchy and why she thinks democracy doesn't exist.

Listen to this episode from Ways to Change the World on Spotify. Revolutionary Egyptian feminist Nawal El Saadawi talks to Krishnan Guru-Murthy about the injustice of the patriarchy, what inspires her to write and why she thinks democracy doesn't exist. Rate, review and subscribe to Ways to Change the World for more in-depth interviews every week.