Margaret Tuite | (Chair), Child rights activist
After 33 years of EU public service, the last seven of which were focused 100% on rights of the child, I am happy to contribute on a voluntary basis. I'm interested in everything to do with children's rights and love to connect people who can work together. I see clear benefits in system-strengthening, high standards for NGOs working on children's rights, child safeguarding (that's the least we can do), and lots more effort for children in migration.
When I was younger, I thought everyone knew better than me. But that's not true. Had I figured that out sooner, I could have fought harder for some people. Can I make up for that in the time I have left? There's a fantastic global community of people working hard for children's rights, I hope we can expand that. And there is hope in children's activism for climate justice at a global level.
“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito [in the room].”
— Unknown
Languages: I work mostly in English, then French and have some very rudimentary Greek.
Margaret has been a trustee since 2019.
Eva Geidenmark | Save the Children Sweden
My main areas of work are child rights, child rights governance, organisational development, advocacy and capacity-building. I like reading, watching documentaries and movies, Argentina is one of my favourite film countries. I am also interested in art from the 19th and 20th centuries. I also like spending time with my family. I have been working several times in West Africa and Latin America and lived in Peru, Guinea-Bissau and Cabo Verde for several years.
Languages: I speak English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
Eva has been a trustee since 2009.
Aoife Nolan | Child rights academic and advocate
I am very interested in the connections between children’s rights, poverty and sustainable development. I am currently leading a research project that is looking at how litigation involving children’s rights can be carried out in a way that is consistent with those rights.
“Human rights work that reinforces the status quo and existing power and resource distributions isn’t worth the time or effort.”
— Unknown
Languages: I speak French and understand Danish.
Aoife has been a trustee since 2021.
Adem Arkadas-Thibert | Child rights consultant
I am an international child rights consultant and advocate. I currently work as a key expert on human rights monitoring and advocacy for an EU direct support programme for NGOs. I used to work at the International Children’s Center in Turkey. I am interested in child participation, monitoring human rights, human rights indicators, and human rights impact assessments. I love travelling, swimming, watching AbFab and anything sci-fi, ABBA, and dogs.
“There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.”
— Elie Wiesel
Languages: I speak Turkish, English, and French.
Adem has been a trustee since 2015.
Kirsten Sandberg | Department of Public and International Law, University of Oslo
I am a professor of law at the University of Oslo. From 2011 to 2019 I was a member of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, serving as the Committee’s chairperson for two years 2013-2015. My main professional interest is child law, with a focus on children's rights, particularly their right to participation and access to justice, including in environmental issues.
Languages: English and Norwegian
Kirsten has been a trustee since 2019.
Enakshi Ganguly | Child rights activist, co-founder HAQ: Centre for Child Rights
I am a development researcher and a human rights activist. I have been working on issues affecting women, children and other marginalised groups for over three decades. Since co-founding HAQ: Centre for Child Rights in 1999, I have consistently worked on children’s rights, and have been active in campaigns on the rights of displaced persons of The Narmada Valley and elsewhere; the right to education; and the fight against child sexual abuse and child trafficking. I am an Honorary Professor at the National Law University, Odisha (India), focussing on child rights and juvenile justice. In 2019 I was awarded the REX Karmaveer Global Fellowship and Karmaveer Chakra award instituted by iCONGO in Partnership with the United Nations.
Languages: English
Enakshi has been a trustee since 2021.
Kevin Koh | Human rights lawyer
I am a human rights lawyer, social innovator, and curator. Alongside independent consulting on human rights and social innovation, I am Founder of the social innovation hub Thought Experiment Laboratory. I have previously worked on legal and policy analysis as well as strategic change management at the United Nations Human Rights Office while engaging in pro-bono social innovation work with the innovation hub at CERN and the Graduate Institute of Geneva. I was also Senior Lecturer and Research Fellow at the Transnational Economic Law Research Center in Germany.
“Reality is what one interprets into happening rather than an interpretation of what has happened.” is a recurring motif in his undertakings.
— Unknown
Languages: I am fluent in English and German and have advance proficiency in Chinese and French.
Kevin has been a trustee since 2021.
Jerusha Burnham | Human rights grantmaking
For the past nine years, I have worked for Freedom House’s Emergency Assistance Program providing grants to at-risk human rights defenders and CSOs. Prior to that, I spent six years at the Fund for Global Human Rights in Washington, DC, managing a grant-making program in Uganda, and assisting with programs in Latin America Southeast Asia. My interests range from cooking and baking (which really translates to cooking and baking shows and then my futile attempt to do something fun in the kitchen), bike riding, reading, spending time with family, and recently, I signed up for guitar lessons.
“El que lee mucho y anda mucho, ve mucho y sabe mucho”. (One who reads a lot and walks a lot, sees a lot and knows a lot).
— Miguel de Cervantes
Languages: I am a native Spanish and English speaker and also fairly fluent in Catalan, French and have some rudimentary German.
Jerusha has been a trustee since 2021.
Tomás Ayuso | Documentary photographer and journalist
My name is Tomás Ayuso and I am from Tegucigalpa, Honduras. I am a documentary photographer and journalist covering conflicts in the Americas as they pertain to displacement and the survivance of its people. I’m keenly interested in constantly learning, community, and dignity for all.
“However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light.”
- Stanley Kubrick
Languages: Spanish and English
Tomás has been a trustee since 2021.
Previous Trustees
Elda Moreno, 2011 ~ 2014
Sebastian Kohn, 2015 ~ 2018
Michelle Madden, 2015 ~ 2020
Ed Velasco, 2019 ~ 2020
Chris Dodd, 2019 ~ 2020
Anja Josten, 2021 ~ 2021
Sven Winberg, 2009 ~ 2011
Bill Bell, 2009 ~ 2014
Andres Guerrero, 2009 ~ 2013
Paul Bode, 2009 ~ 2009
Mike Annison, 2009 ~ 2015
Gema Vicente, 2010 ~ 2015
Knut Haanes, 2010 ~ 2014
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