National mechanisms

States which violate or fail to protect children’s rights can often be held to account at a national level. In this section you'll find information on:

National Plans of Action, which States encouraged to set out exploring the implementation of children’s rights following the first World Summit for Children, held in 1990.

General Comment no.5 on general measures of implementation for the Convention on the Rights of the Child published by the Committee on the Rights of the Child.

National ombudspersons, who acts as a “citizen defender”, dealing with complaints from the public about injustice and maladministration by government agencies. Some receive complaints from individuals and might have the authority to mediate between citizens and authority. Others might have the power to bring cases to court.

Disclaimer: This guide is from CRIN's archive site, some of the info might not be up-to-date. We are currently still editing these PDFs.