Latin American countries ranked on child sexual violence prevention and response


Brazil is Latin America’s best-performing country in preventing and responding to child sexual exploitation and abuse, while Argentina is the lowest ranked, according to a new report released today by Economist Impact comparing the laws and policies of nine countries in the region, the launch of which CRIN coordinated.

two birds flying next to a giant colourful glove against light blue background

Taking a look at how countries across the world address sexual violence against children

The Regional Briefing for Latin America and the Caribbean reviews Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela. The research is part of the Out of the Shadows Index (OOSI), which is the first global assessment of how countries worldwide are addressing sexual violence against children. It covers 60 countries, home to around 85 percent of the world’s children. 

CRIN coordinated the launch of the report, including in the countries where we have partners, to complement our ongoing work on combating impunity for institutional sexual violence against children in Latin America.

"Some of the data undoubtedly stand out, as do the countries in question, but this is the reality of Latin America, with big contrasts both within a single country and between countries, where we encounter polar opposites with regard to child protection. Meanwhile, sexual violence in all its forms: harassment (unwanted sexual advances), sexual abuse (unwanted sexual touching) and rape (sexual penetration without consent) continue to increase without a clear and definitive decision by States to fund public policies that prevent and combat sexual violence."

~ Sara Oviedo, former Vice-Chair of the United Nations’ Committee on the Rights of the Child

Read the regional report in English, Spanish or Portuguese

Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean are ranked as follows:


Working with the media to build public pressure for change

The data in the index is a useful advocacy tool for campaigners, but there is always a risk with new research reports that they do not reach the intended audience: decision-makers who can make the necessary reforms. Consequently, we designed a media launch to improve the chances of the data reaching the attention of national governments and lawmakers, as it is a tried-and-tested approach that by publicly naming good practice and shaming bad practice, any deficiencies in law and policy will get addressed. 

“The Out of the Shadows Index shows the need to urgently continue the reform that is already underway across the region to prevent sexual violence against children. This will mean updating legislation on the abuse of children and developing support and response services that genuinely meet the needs and demands of survivors of child sexual abuse.”

~ Leo Ratledge, Co-Director of the Child Rights International Network (CRIN)

The press releases have been sent out to an extensive list of journalists across the region including people CRIN has worked with before, but also others who we hope will cover the story. You can access the press releases here: