Posts in English
The Power of Activism

People under the age of 18 are largely seen as not having any power, let alone being mature enough to use it. “We are, after all, just children,” said Greta Thunberg, ironically alluding to this common preconception. But if 2019 has shown us anything, it’s that under-18s — just like anyone else who’s passionate about something, regardless of their age — can go against what’s expected of them, and not do as they’re told.

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The Power of Healing

“The Indian Act put us in residential schools, it took away our languages, our culture… I like the term ‘reparative act’ because what I do in the process is I repair an incident that happened in history.” In conversation with Linda Young, artist and Traditional Knowledge Keeper for the Saskatchewan Public School Division in Canada.

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Youth climate strikers and their human rights

CRIN co-hosted a round-table discussion on children and young people's right to demand action and justice for the climate crisis. Together with the environmental law organisations CIEL and Earthjustice, we heard from climate youth groups in Switzerland about their experiences of organising strikes, making calls to policy makers, and sitting at the negotiation table with local authorities.

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The African resistance to the mass male circumcision campaign

Two guest articles about the grassroots resistance to the campaign to circumcise men and boys across Africa. The VMMC campaign (voluntary medical male circumcision) targets African communities with the goal of creating and maintaining an 80 percent male circumcision rate across the continent. Many men refuse circumcision, so in 2016 infant boys were added to the campaign.

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Children’s rights at the World Bank - the case of the Uganda Transport Sector Development Project

This guest article by the Bank Information Center (BIC) reflects on how one World Bank-funded project in Uganda gave rise to sexual abuse of girls and what was done about it. The BIC advocates on reforming international financial institutions to make sure that the development projects they fund do not undermine human rights or harm the environment.

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Everyday toxics exhibition and discussion in Geneva

This week CRIN hosted a temporary art exhibition and discussion in Geneva on toxic exposure in our everyday lives and what is being done to raise awareness of these issues. The event was hosted at the Bocal Local, an eco-responsible grocery shop in Geneva, while the meetings of the parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions took place in the city.

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RUSSIA: ‘Gay propaganda’ law remains in place, but complaints against it continue

In our latest case study on the stories behind strategic children's rights litigation, we examine several challenges to Russia's "gay propaganda" laws. Passed using the protection of children as an excuse to silence public discussions and positive messages about LGBT issues, these laws effectively deny freedom of expression and access to information on gender and sexual diversity.

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